Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blog Assignment #4

Write about your work on the Hypertext Assignment thus far. Post a map of your site (so far) and your writing/plans for how you are going to create your hypertext. The more you post - the more your classmates and I can give you feedback on.

I have an outline of the story and basic character descriptions. Mostly I have written out the major plot points and the ending so I know where the story is going. 

On the site the first page the reader will encounter will ask them to choose one of four perspectives for the story and will be told that in order to get the full story they would have to go through each of the characters and connect their different experiences to discover what really happened. Both the reader and one of the main characters (Elizabeth) are on a search for the truth and in the end the reader will have to determine if Elizabeth actually achieved her goal. 

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